Friday, September 24, 2010

Notice the difference between what happens when a man says to himself "i have failed" and what happens when he says "i am a failure"

In life we fail, it's human nature that errors are committed in our life, but ideally we make those choices to let that error happen, it's not of someone else's doing that we fail but of our own accord.

Everyone learns from their mistakes, no one is perfect, but to pick yourself up every time you make that mistake is what matters, people make mistakes it's a matter of differing between right and wrong, to acknowledge what you make done, to accept that you have failed. Not everyone's views are the same so moral values differ from person to person, so a third party person in your life judges your decision, in their eyes could be seen as a failed decision or the outcome is not of his liking or the society that we live in for that matter, but the outcome of the decision is only for your benefit, what you do with that outcome and how you deal with it is the major difference between a failure and acknowledging your failure and rising to the trial of getting over it.

In a year, you might fail once, twice or maybe even three times but the reality of that is you would fail, a million time in a day and wouldn't realise the errors you have made, it's the little things in life that measure up to a point where a decision has to be made what to do with the mistakes and failed attempts. It's a matter or being able to climb up those stairs tripping, falling down, picking yourself up and just keep running up, being shot down doesn't mean you can't get to where you want because you cant fly anymore, its a matter of tying up those broken wings and using what you have left to get what you want or to get where you want, yes you would get tramped on, kicked at, pushed aside, but the emotional drive that lies in what your heart desires pushes not only you but the human body to such extremes that things that seem impossible to one person, can be seen as within their grasps of another.

Path to life isn't always set out for us, it's what we do with the tool's we have to make the path what we want it to be. life is always going to have it trials and tribulations, no one is perfect. Perfection is over rated, but trying to achieve it is not, wishing that life would throw you a life line, and turn your head when it does is just stupidity. Is someone ever the reason why your failure succeeded? Ask a person that failed three times and still got up, all he needed to know was blood was still pumping through his body and had a heart of gold, never give up on something you believe in unless what you believe in gave up on you, life throws you a life line and lets go because it believes its not worth your time anymore in letting go it allows you to fall, and learn so when you hit rock bottom, pick up that line, run up the stairs tie up life as you 'knew' it and let it roll down the stairs when you're on top, you would never want to climb down again, then live how you would want to not how life should be lived it leaves no chance of failure. The dust has settled with the trials of life and it shows the difference when a man says to himself "I have failed" and what happens when he says "I am a failure".

Failure is not an option for some people, they want what the heart desires but it comes to a point where the the trials of reaching what their desire is an impossible task, like running at a brick wall over and over again, unless you got something big enough to smash it down, failure is not an option it's something that is cast upon us that destroys our willingness to continue the fight for what we want. Accepting that you have failed, is acknowledging the trials and errors as useless but, to pick yourself up after you failed is the difference between stating "I have failed" and sitting and soaking up the mistakes and failed trials is accepting "I am a failure".

Friday, September 17, 2010

Live as you will have wished to have lived when you are dying.

You could never see around the corner, what lies after it or what's waiting for you. In the world we have our toe tippers and cannon ballers, toe tippers people that check to see what it's like first before making a decision and the cannon ballers just dive in, no matter what the outcome is because in the end doesn't matter what your decision is, your going to have to deal with it. If your a toe tipper or a cannon baller, it's your decision if you take your chance and run around the corner or take a look first then walk, if life is there to knock you out it doesn't matter if you walk or run, still going to get knocked out.

Today, people never live life they do what they have to do to get by 'surviving' is essential. Living is a totally different concept to surviving, living is enjoying life in all its wonder doing everything to experience life before their last breath. Surviving doing what is necessary to live so that they can see the next day and do the same thing so that they would be able to see the day after that. Thats not living at all and when their on their last breath, a sort of wish escapes with it, the wish to have lived not survived. Some people say life was already written for us and what we do is what was meant to happen, that we have no real power in what lies in our future just how we deal with it that is where the power if left in our choice. living life is a gift, surviving life is a burden to which there is no point in living, the end result is always the same, wished to have lived life on their terms not of one that was set of us.

Awareness does that help us live our life or does it give us and excuse to keep second guessing the decisions we make? Conflict of interest, you can be aware of the situation that lies before you, what outcome it would have in each decision you make, but what the mind doesn't want the heart desires, what the heart doesn't want the mind desires. Even if its bad for you and you have the knowledge that it will hurt you, there is no stopping how you feel or what your heart wants, this is why the heart always wins over the mind. if fate handed you it's last deck of cards and had a limited amount of time before it engulfs you, would you have lived differently to the way you were just living? or would u just keeping living as you were? The story of Adam and Eve, how they defied God and ate from the forbidden tree, it gave them knowledge of good and evil, what the mind desires the heart doesn't want. It was only the mind that was effected by knowledge, but knowledge does not effect how you feel or he things you do out of affection for one and other, things you do out of our own accord does not come from your mind but from the heart, happiness in life, come from making the person next to you smile.

live as you will have wished to have lived when you are dying. Death is just a stepping stone into the unknown, instead of fearing it, embrace it with open arms, after you have gone only you would know what lies after the unknown, this corrupt world would be a thing of the past. The people you love and miss,will all have to go through this experience one day, and in that time death is what you make of it. Live to be remembered, die to leave a legacy.